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Saturday, May 20, 2006

close following...

At Sathi Road -Coimbatore
The rider of of this two wheeler went and hit against this autoricksha...to the auto there was just a small dent in the bumber. but for the rider...a head injury and still on treatment... the hospital bill more than Rs 50,000... A helmet would have saved all the problem.
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//A helmet would have saved all the problem.//

That is for sure!
Yes you are right. At Coimbatore, we are taking so many steps to teach people to wear a helmet.
I still don't understand why most of the youngsters who zip thro' the streets on their bikes do not realise that wearing a helmet is for their own good.

Even my daughter does not listen to me on this issue. They say it is uncomfortable especially in summer!

They value their comfort more than their lives..
Please ask her to visit my weblog. Surely she will understand. Life is precious.
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Clearly, I thank for the help in this question.
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